summer fun meaningful connections inspiring worship
Camp Anakainoo is our annual summer camp where we gather together for a healthy dose of fun, fellowship, and community. This year camp will include fun on Lake Texoma, meaningful discussions with your small group, and inspiring times of worship. After more than a year of quarantine, isolation, and distance, it’s time to connect with old friends and make some new ones.
Check out the information below, or keep scrolling for the registration form!

Frequently Anticipated Questions
1. Who can come to Camp Anakainoo?
All youth who have completed the 6th – 12th grades are welcome to come to camp as participants. Adults (including young adults who have been out of high school for a year or more) are welcome to come as counselors.
2. What do we do all day?
The typical Camp Anakainoo day is filled with worship, small groups, small group competitions, free time (for swimming, intertubing on the lake, hanging out with friends, and other activities), meals, and evening activities. There are lots of varied activities throughout the day to make sure everyone has something to enjoy.
3. How much does it cost?
The base cost will be $350 per camper which includes all food, lodging, camp activities, and a t-shirt. Adult counselors attend camp for free. We never want the cost to prevent a youth from participating. If cost is an issue, please see below.
4. Are you being safe with regard to COVID-19?
We recognize that we are a long way away from the end of this pandemic, and that some families will have concerns about holding camp this summer. We share those concerns, and we will be following current CDC guidelines at camp. We don’t know what those will be at the end of June, but we anticipate wearing masks inside and in close proximity to others, physical distancing, and good hygiene will still need to be practiced. We are committed to having camp, but we are also committed to not harming anyone in the process.
5. Do you have a backup plan?
Yes, we have planned this camp to be adaptable to whatever the current situation is. We will meet outside as much as possible, but we also have an option to do camp as a “commuter” or “day” camp to avoid having to spend time in lodging. We are planning for as normal a camp experience as we can while giving ourselves the option to adjust to new developments in the pandemic.
6. What financial help is available?
We can set up a payment plan, or we can scholarship some or all of the fee. Please email Chris at crickwartz@sharingtheheart.org for information.